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Week 10: Final Thoughts

PART ONE: TWO Examples of Transformative Learning (2 paragraphs)

One transformative thing I will take from this course is the improvement I made as a writer. In the first few assignments I felt I lacked skill and knowledge to be able to complete them. As the class advanced I had more assignments that taught me rules and gave me instructions on how to to write properly. The assignments on McGrill-Hill Connect were the ones that gave me definitions and examples to see how to compose properly. Also the annotations and exploratory writing due gave me more practice to apply the information. The feedback from my classmates and Professor Haas were also useful for me to see what I could improve and utilize it later on.

A second transformative aspect from the class is the more open viewpoint I developed. Having to give and receive feedback in class exposed me to new ideas. While I read and saw videos I created my own perspective; then when I read my classmate’s work I saw similarities along with differences. When I was able to collaborate with my classmates on the podcast I saw more viewpoints on gender constructs that were very interesting. Having an open mind will be useful for later classes where I will collaborate with more people.

PART TWO: Taking Stock-- TWO Problems & A Plan for the Future (2 paragraphs)

While I do feel I learned a lot throughout the course I still feel a lack in course objective about habits of the mind specifically curiosity. In class I was provided videos and the reading that would be necessary to complete the homework. I did not go out of my way to find more information than the minimum. I think if I would have searched more my ideas would have been better developed in the assignments and the final essay. In the future I will prioritize looking beyond what is required to be able to broaden my knowledge on topics. I need to leave more time for this so I can complete my work on time and well.

Another thing I could improve would be my time management. I did complete my tasks but I often felt rushed and pressured. This correlates with the previous problem because I did not leave spare time to do more. Timing is something that is crucial for all classes so I can turn in good work, that I am content with. To be able to do this I have to make sure I start my work early on so I can pace myself.


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Mar 15, 2021

Hi Yajaira! I also have the issue about time management. I will have pressure and feel depressed when I do it at the last minute. I agree with you that plan and do the assignment earlier will leave us enough time. I will try to do this in the future. Lastly, thank you for replying to me. I am very happy to be your groupmate at the end.


Leslie Gabriella Carrillo
Leslie Gabriella Carrillo
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Yajaira! I can definitely agree with you about developing a more open viewpoint. Engaging with our classmates was a great way to learn more about certain things. Especially when we worked on our project, our whole group contributed new ideas that I had never even thought about. Speaking of which, it was a pleasure being able to work with you this quarter and create a podcast together. I wish you well in your finals and your classes next quarter. I hope to see you around and hopefully meet you once we return to campus!


Melissa Guadalupe Marcial
Melissa Guadalupe Marcial
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Yajaira! I agree with you, exploratory writing was a great writing practice! Looking back, I am able to see how the weekly assignments have helped me improve my writing. I am glad we both sharpened out writing skills. :) Good luck next quarter!


Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Yajaira! I feel you I had a trouble managing my time as well. Sometimes it felt like I was rushing my assignment because I thought I could finish it the day it was due. I think with every class you learn that time management is crucial to turning in good work on time. I hope you have an amazing last quarter of the year!

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