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Week 10: Extra Credit Farewell Responses

Hello Yuzhen,

In the blog you mentioned the utility of the McGraw-Hill Connect. I felt it was useful for me because it provided me with information I did not know. I am sorry that the time zone difference made it complicated for you to complete the assignments. I wish you success in your classes !

Hello Samuel,

Being able to work with you for the podcast I assure you that your collaboration skills were very good. I too don’t feel very comfortable when I am placed in a group setting because I am not used to it. I am glad this course was able to provide you a wider perspective on gender. Thank you for being a great team member and good luck on your future courses !

Hello Wei,

I too felt the workload was heavy later on and my time management contributed to it. I think your editing skill for the podcast was very good. It was great that you were a team player and took on a role that some of us were not familiar with. Overall thank you for your contributions and I wish you all the best !

Hello Chengheng,

I am sorry that it was more difficult for you to attend live zoom calls due to the distance. While we were not able to record all together for the podcast, your ideas were insightful. I am glad we placed in the same group to be able to share our ideas. Thank you for your work and good luck on your later courses !

Hello Zhihan,

In your blog you mentioned time management, which I too struggled with. Being able to start early on was not something I prioritized which led to me having to rush. I too plan to in the future give myself more time to finish my work and feel more relaxed. Good luck on your future courses !

Hello Cicily,

I too have the issue of doing assignments close to the deadline. I agree that it leads to work not being the best quality it could be. I am glad I was able to meet you in the last zoom meeting and see your portfolio. Thank you for the feedback and good luck on your future classes !

Due to the current situation online learning is the safest route. It has been strange to have to collaborate with others when they are not nearby. I have learned that with this environment it is important to be considerate and patient. Not everyone has the same resources or similar times which can make collaboration difficult. So having a respectful view will make the work less stressful. The two objectives that this helped with were practice collaboration and practice communication skills by reading, speaking, and composing in different types of media. Due to the podcast being a group effort it was important to be collaborative and communicative. That way all the members could share their ideas to make the podcast better. It was important that I was comfortable with speaking so that I could contribute to the final project. Although my group experienced technical difficulties we were able to continue on and finish.


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