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Disney's Gender Roles 


This is the place where I will explain and show how the podcast project was done. It was a podcast discussion between classmates breaking down the gender roles, progressive and stereotypical ones, that the Disney industry promoted. Then placing that information in a microsite. Some of the course objectives that I was able to touch on we're improving literacy, importance of self review , practicing collaboration and communication. There were more objective due to the wide range that the project covered. 

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Pre-Production: Preparation and Planning


This is an annotation from a Connect assignment where I saw a key detail that was important in my discussion for the project. This helped with the improving literacy objective because my annotation skills were improved. I was able to reference this in my podcast when discussing the character Mulan. 

This is an annotation from Killing us Softly that was educational and opening to female appearances. This was helpful for the applying reading skills to various texts objective because this was a video I watched. This was relevant to the project's discussion. 


This is a discussion post when deciding our podcast topic. This helped with the collaboration objective because it was group discussion. We decided on a different topic than this one, but still saw the pros and cons to all of our ideas as a team. 

Production--Creating the Podcast and Microsite

This an excerpt from our 2nd segment where I reference a podcast that was insightful to me. The quote I used was a good match to my classmate Wei's reference because it was similar but opposing, so we discussed our views. It helped me with the literacy objective because I was able to add to my script efficiently.


My role was script coordinator, this is a part of the script. I tried to label it to be organized and clear so when we recorded it would flow easily. This helped the habits of the mind objective because it made me responsible by making me efficient enough to provide my team a script.  

This is our 3rd segment where Iron Man 3 was discussed. I suggested looking at the film because I was more familiar with it, my classmates agreed to it and from there we went. This helped with literacy objective specifically the communicational skills because it made me voice my idea on films that could be useful to our project.


Looking Ahead in Three Paragraphs

Through this project I did commit mistakes that have shown me what to correct for better results. A mistake I feel was not pacing myself more when talking in the recording. I felt I spoke to quickly that I did not fully explain myself. While I had my script laid out I ended up feeling lost still because I was nervous. I need to practice more and relax before I present. 

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I was placed in a team where ideas were heard and given feedback. I learned that giving attention and time to ideas is crucial. Every member provided helpful ideas that were very important to the final project. I also see that having respect and patience for colleagues is needed to have a good work flow. 

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In my essay I will incorporate the gender roles but I will focus on fairytale characters and not the superheroes. My classmates made good points about the appearance of female characters that I will further focus on. In the project we discussed the personalities in princesses that I am interested in. I will focus on those details that Disney portrays and has changed to create my essay. 

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