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Pre-Production Meeting

  1. The day and time of your pre-production meeting

We met on Friday at seven pm, 2/12/21.

2. A list of each group member (including yourself) and their roles and responsibilities (see examples below)

Groupmember Leslie Carillo

  • Speaks in segments 1 and 4

  • Researcher, finds images and music

Groupmember Wei Huang

  • Host of the podcast, asks questions in segments

  • Speaks in segments 1 and 2

  • Podcast editor

Groupmember Chengheng Lyu

  • Speaks in segment 3

  • Podcast coordinator

Groupmember Samuel Choi

  • Speaks in segments 4

  • Microsite editor

Groupmember Yajaira Cervantes

  • Script coordinator

  • Speaks in segment 2 and 3

3. Summary of what your group talked about for each of the three areas above (roles/responsibilities, technical aspects, content/structure)

Our host will be Wei, he will speak in each segment to introduce it with a question. In each segment there are two people discussing. To transition our host will ask a question that relates to each segment. Our host is also our podcast editor. He or the zoom meeting creator, Leslie, will record the meeting while we discuss. Leslie will provide music and images. The Wix site will be made by Samuel and images will be added, other members are welcome to add to it too. The script coordination will be done by Yajaira. We have decided to meet all at once and record the discussion. There are a total of four segments, an introduction, and a closing statement. We will transition by asking a question that leads into the next segment. Timing of each area is not set, but the goal is to reach 20 minutes, without exceeding 25 minutes. The leader will be the first person speaking after the host introduces the segment. The podcast will end with the team saying last thoughts on the films and with music that was used in the podcast’s start.

4. A to-do list of things you need to do to get ready for recording

I need to re-watch the specific scenes I will discuss to be well aware of details. Also, I need to rehearse my script and remember the key details.

5. Identify the day and time for when your group will be recording the podcast (if all together on Zoom) or the deadline for sending individual files to the podcast editor.

We will meet on Wednesday at seven pm and record our zoom meeting, 2/17/2021.


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