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Week 1 : Self Reflection

Hello everyone, my name is Yajaira Cervantes I am a second year biological sciences major. I am looking forward to a great quarter.

It has been a while since I was in a writing course, it was about two years ago. The focus was to better understand literature and different books were read through the course. I learned to pace myself when reading and to annotate to get a better understanding.

A weakness of mine is I struggle to grasp the complete meaning of authors at times and I feel confused. I need to take time to read carefully the work and absorb it.

A strength I think is that once I feel comfortable with the topic I can be descriptive and elaborate the topic.

I didn't do well in the assessment, I missed questions asking for punctuation. It has been a while since I answered these questions. I need to review the rules of when to place commas and the like. Also, I need to pay more attention to what the short passages are stating.

In the syllabus it is stated that the website, blogs, discussions, essay and group project will make up our final grade. It also gives an idea of how much time the course will require and encourages to stay on track with the workload.

The objectives this course are to create habits that will allow the student to understand the reading and allow them to engage with it. To learn various techniques such as annotation to become someone who has improved their writing skill.

The grade contract explains that if the seven requirements in the contract are met than a B letter grade can be obtained. It explained that a higher grade can be attained if the student shows more enthusiasm and dedication to the work.


1 Comment

Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Jan 18, 2021

Hey Yajaira, I really enjoyed reading your blog, I have not taken an english class in over two years either. When it comes to understand an authors meaning at time's I struggle too but one thing that has worked for me is going through a certain passage and defining words that I maybe confused about. You got this though, have an amazing quarter!

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